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IEEE SIU 2024 Hosted by Tarsus University Ended

21 Mayıs 2024 Salı - Görüntülenme: 1921

The 32nd IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Congress (SIU 2024), hosted by Tarsus University between 15-18 May 2024, ended after many panels, sessions and training seminars. While leading scientists of the field took part in the congress as invited speakers, many academicians and researchers took part in panels, sessions and training seminars.


The opening program of the event held at Tarsus University Conference Hall started with the speeches of Prof. Dr. Orhan Aydın, Rector of Tarsus University, Prof. Dr. Ali Özen, faculty member of Tarsus University and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Assembly, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Arslan, faculty member of Medipol University, Lale Akarun, faculty member of Boğaziçi University and Assoc. Prof. Justin Dauwels, faculty member of Delft University of Technology. 


In the opening speech of the congress, Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Aydın expressed his pleasure to host the event as a university and thanked those who contributed to the organization of the event. In his opening speech, Rector Aydın said, "We are in a period of rapid technological developments. Transformation has been added to the words progress, development and change. New topics that shape our lives are emerging every day; mobile technology, internet of things, web 3.0, industry 4.0, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, big data, 6G and many more. As Turkey, we are making important infrastructure investments and conducting research in order to adapt to the change and transformation process in the public and private sectors. The importance of human resources stands out in this important process. Universities are catching up with this transformation in an inclusive way, and new programs are being opened under the leadership of YÖK. This event has an important value in this sense."


Speaking at the opening program of the congress, Prof. Dr. Ali Özen gave detailed information about the congress and emphasized the importance of the congress in the field. In his speech, Özen said; "SİU 2024 is one of Turkey's most prestigious and valuable traditional scientific organizations where academia and industry working in the field come together, share information, and create new areas of study. In this context, this congress, which will constitute a milestone for our young researchers, is organized to bring together researchers working on similar topics from different regions. The congress consists of a program consisting of presentations, panels, special sessions, training seminars and regular sessions where leading scientists take part as invited speakers."
The invited speeches in the opening program of the first day of the congress continued with the presentations of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Arslan, Dean of Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Lale Akarun (Boğaziçi University) and Assoc. Prof. Justin Dauwels (Delft University of Technology).


Prof. Dr. Halim Yanıkömeroğlu (Carleton University), Prof. Dr. Erdal Panayırcı (Kadir Has University) and Prof. Dr. Aydın Akan (Izmir University of Economics), who were among the invited speakers of the congress, shared important topics related to the field with the participants on the second day of the event. While Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Başar (Koç University), Prof. Dr. Ahmet Enis Çetin (University of Illinois Chicago), Prof. Dr. Urbashi Mitra (University of Southern California), Prof. Dr. Erik Meıjerıng (University of New South Wales Sydney), Assoc. Prof. Pai-Yen Chen (University of Illinois Chicago), who were among the other important invited speakers of SİU 2024, shared important developments in the field with the audience via online connection from the hall. At the Gala Dinner held in the evening following the activities on the second day of the congress, student paper awards were given in six categories (IEEE Communications Society Best Paper, IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper, 24th Alper Atalay Award, Best Oral-Visual (poster) Presentation, Best Application Project Award [among the works participating in the application exhibition], Young Researchers Award [new application: 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students who ranked in the top three by participating with a paper]) at IEEE SİU 2024. The awards were presented to the first authors of the papers. The Signal Processing and Communication Applications (SPCA) Congress, which is organized every year and is one of the leading scientific events in the field, has successfully ended after a very busy year with activities organized under different topics.


News: Tarsus University Information and Communication Office